SOLD - John Deere oneies, 6-9m - FREE! |
SOLD - 12-18m PJs from Target (by Carters) - $1 each set of PJs, $2 for all SOLD - Pink & Brown PJ set - "It's bedtime!" |
PJs - misc sizes: $3 for all Left: 0-3m sleep sacks - $1 both Middle: 3-6m zip up sleepers - $1 both Right: 6-9m Penguin christmas fleece material - $1 RIght: 0-9m fleece floral sleepsack - $1 |
12-18m, up to 28 lbs HALO Sleep Sacks - sleeveless, cotton material - $5 each |
Boy/Girl matching Gymboree outfit - size 3-6m $7 for all, or $5 each outfit |
SOLD -Boy/Girl matching Gymboree outfit: $5 for all SOLD -Girl dress size 6-12m SOLD -Boy long sleeve button down shirt 12-18m |
Disney overalls with Winnie the Pooh, size NB, fits up to 3m - $1 each |
Boy/Girl matching Gymboree outfit, size NB - $5 all |
12m dress - super cute for the summer and in excellent condition from Rare Edition $2 each |
12-18m Girls Clothes: Halloween shirt - $1 Gymoree fishes outfit - $2 Target (Cherokee brand) long sleeve pink shirt - $1 SOLD - Osh Kosh denim shorts - $1 |
SOLD -24month Boy/Girl matching Childern's Place winter jackets - hardly worn - $5 for all or $3 each |
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